Cellec Games

Engine: Unreal Engine 5

Turtle racer was the first game that I contributed in as an intern in Cellec. The game is about racing as a turtle against a catfish. As you travel along the race track reef, questions about the ocean life start to appear. The more questions you answer correctly the faster your turtle becomes. This is a neat educational game that helps you learn and memorize facts about the biological marine life.


  • Racing track system

  • Finish / goal logic

Racing System

The moment I opened turtle racer to go over how the game is being built. I noticed that the racing system wasn’t working correctly. Thankfully I had worked on racing games before and had a few ideas on how to fix this. I was able reach out to the programming lead and volunteered to come up with a racing system that tracked the player and the catfish more accurately. I was able to do this by simply using splines and some of the very helpful nodes that blueprints offer in UE5.

Race Ending

Since I was comfortable working with the racing system logic, I was tasked to make a finish line that let the player know who crossed it first.

There were some problems with the level streaming to test the functionality of this however, I had to play the game from beginning to finish to load everything in the track. While it took a while, I was able to create something I was satisfied with.


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